Friday, March 20, 2009

Good as NEW!!!

SHE'S BACK!!!! My car is finally fixed!!! Its actually been back for almost a week, but I just had time to write about it!! I was very nervous to see if it would be the same and she looks better than before!! Thank you body shop!!! Also it must be baby season, I can't believe everyone is having there babies and to add to the list my aunt had her baby girl earlier this week!!! She is just a tiny little thing weighing 4 lbs 11oz, I can't even imagine how small that is. They are pretty sure they are going to name her Hanna but not positive!! I am so excited for them and probably won't see her for awhile since they don't live near by...sad. Congrats Rusty, Annie, and Bridger!! Another congratulations goes out to my little sister in law on being named Head JV cheerleader!!! This is so exciting for her and she will do a great job and have so much fun next year!!! Well not much more to say just off to a baseball game this afternoon to watch my brothers!! Hope you are all enjoying the weather and bring on spring!!

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