Sunday, October 25, 2009


I haven't posted FOREVER! What is my deal? Probably that I'm lazy and don't have much to blog about. I am going to update this thing as much as I can but really there isn't much going on. To start off I have misplaced my camera so I have been taking pictures but can't find the camera to upload them..haha not surprised one bit. To start off where I left off, my brother Kendall graduated high school in May ( I know this is forever ago) and is now in Minnesota playing college baseball. We couldn't be more proud of him and he is loving every minute of it. I was fortunate enough to be able to take a week off of work and drive back with my mom and him to take him to school. I did take ALOT of pictures and we had a ton of fun. We went through seven states there and back and it was so much fun to visit places I have never been. We went to Mount Rushmore, Bedrock (come on you all have to know the Flinstones), the "Center of the Nation" and many more fun places. We drove a total of 48 hours and man was it long but fun! He is about two blocks away from the Canadian border so we were very far north. It gets about -40 degrees during the winter with about 6-10 feet of snow...crazy isn't he?!?!? He is having a blast and will be home for a visit very soon!!! We plan on going out there this spring to watch him play!! What a very ambitious talented person he is!!!!!
Another HUGE thing that happened this summer was Riley had the SWINE FLU???? Can you believe it? i never thought it would hit that close to home, boy was I wrong. It was the most miserable, frustrating, sad thing I have ever seen Riley be. The story is quite long so I won't ramble on about it but I will say I am so thankful he is ok. It really took a good month for him to be back to his normal self. Boy oh boy I hope it doesn't hit our home again.
Since I haven't updated for so long I really can't remember any other big things that happened the past 5 months. Riley coached football again and his JV team did really good. It just ended this weekend and now we will follow my brother Connor's team through the playoffs...good luck Toey!! Our niece Kambryn turned 1 and she is everywhere. She is walking like a pro and is so darn cute and funny!
So that brings us to Fall and I can't believe Halloween is right around the corner. Man how I love the holidays that are approaching and I am going to update this thing throughout them! Happy Fall Everybody!

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